Making the Cut

The Professional Lawn Care Association of America offers suggested cutting heights for various turfgrass types.

While tending to wintertime mower tune-ups, consider your cutting technique as well. Are you giving your clients’ properties a close-shaven cut, or should you let the grass grow out a bit longer?
 It might just depend on the type of turf.
And since overgrown grass leaves clumpy clippings, contractors who don’t bag their green waste should mind their mowing heights. Here are some suggestions provided by the Professional Lawn Care Association of America.

Kentucky Bluegrass  3 inches
Fescues and Ryegrass  3 inches
Bentgrass   1 inch
Bermudagrass    1 to 1½ inch
Zoysia    1 to 1½ inch
St. Augustine   3 inches
Bahiagrass   3 inches
Centipedegrass  1½ inches

The author is a Contributing Editor to Lawn & Landscape magazine and can be reached at