Keeping customers content

Here is how Stephen Mazelis ensures customers are treated right.

If any customer has a problem with Stephen Mazelis’ work, he wants to know about it. Customer retention is serious business at Mazelis Landscape Construction Corp., and every client is encouraged to give the president honest feedback about the good, bad and ugly.

Thankfully, the communication Mazelis usually receives from customers is good. But sometimes, things don’t shake out as planned. Perhaps a crew is running behind, or materials aren’t on site when needed. While these are exceptions to the rule, mistakes happen. And Mazelis will do everything in his power to fix them.    

He tells this to clients upfront, as their signing an initial contract with Mazelis personally. “We tell customers if there are any issues, we want to know right away,” Mazelis says.

And Mazelis involves the neighbors. “If we are doing a construction project, we go to surrounding homes before the project starts and knock on the door,” he says. “We hand the neighbors our business card and say, ‘We are working at Mrs. Jones’s house. If, for any reason, we are making too much noise or if debris blows on your property, here’s my number.”

And Mazelis answers his phone. “I say, ‘Call me – we want to take care of any problem and not interrupt your lifestyle,” he says.

Here are other ways that Mazelis makes sure that the customer is always treated right:

  • Annual recognition. Every year, Mazelis Landscape Contracting Corp., holds a customer appreciation night during a minor league baseball game. All clients and their families are invited to the private tent at the ballpark, where food and beverages are served. “It’s a great, intimate night out for all,” Mazelis says.
  • Support their cause. Because Mazelis has made a name for himself in the community as a generous giver of his time and talent, he is sometimes approached by local organizations to help, by doing little things like supplying plants for fundraisers, or larger community projects. His attitude: Just say yes. And, include a card with the company name and logo (for branding).
  • Be accessible. Mazelis returns emails quickly, and he encourages clients to contact him this way. He admits to checking in on his smart phone in the evening, even when he is supposed to be unwinding with family. It’s that important to him that any issues get resolved, and that customers know that their projects are top of mind. “Email is very convenient for everyone,” he says. “It really works for us.”


This is one of three stories that ran in Lawn & Landscape's Business Builder e-newsletter. To continue reading about Mazelis Landscape Contracting Corp.:

Community spirit: Stephen Mazelis focuses on paying it forward. His mission has made an impact on the community where he lives and works.

The supporting cast: Relationships with partners and suppliers play a big role in Mazelis Landscape pulling off donated services.