Rich, Klaus assume new roles with Irrigation Association

Noreen Rich has accepted the position of IA member engagement and industry relations director, and Trisha Klaus has been promoted to IA communications, marketing and brand vice president.

The Irrigation Association has announced Noreen Rich has accepted the position of IA member engagement and industry relations director, and Trisha Klaus has been promoted to IA communications, marketing and brand vice president.

Rich previously worked at the IA as the senior marketing manager from 2007 to 2014 and recently returned to the association. She brings over 15 years of experience in association work including membership engagement, marketing and communications. In her new member engagement and industry relations role, she’ll lead the IA’s efforts to realign services to support member, customer and volunteer engagement. Rich will work to achieve increased engagement between members and the IA, developing initiatives that offer personalized, relevant and value-driven experiences. She will provide support to ensure a consistent member service experience and optimize customers’ experiences with the IA’s programs and services.

“We are thrilled to have Noreen return to the IA and take on this new role,” said Natasha Rankin, MBA, CAE, CEO of the Irrigation Association. “Noreen’s expertise will help take the IA membership experience to a new level. With a focus on engaging members and industry leaders to develop a deeper and more meaningful IA membership experience, having Noreen in this new role will serve to ensure that our members are receiving a powerful return on the investment they’ve made in being an IA member.”

Klaus has been promoted to communications, marketing and brand vice president. She brings a wealth of experience in design, publishing and communications. Klaus has been full time with the IA since 2016, including serving as the director of communications for the past four years. Prior to that she worked for the IA as a design consultant beginning in 2008. In this new role, Klaus will serve as the in-house leader for the IA’s brand, marketing and communications strategy to advance the industry and the association’s influence, reputation, relevance and impact. She will lead the IA’s efforts to maximize and leverage the association’s wealth of information. This will include delivering essential business and technical knowledge to industry professionals and helping communicate how irrigation contributes to the long-term sustainability of the planet’s water resources, ensuring global food supply and improving quality of life through more green space.

“I am excited to have Trisha embark on this critical and expanded role at the IA,” Rankin said. “With Trisha taking this leadership role, her knowledge and passion will assist the IA in our renewed and exciting efforts to communicate the importance of the irrigation industry and the contributions irrigators make to the health, security, beauty and long-term sustainability of our communities, nation and the planet.”

For more information about the Irrigation Association, visit